Ways to work while traveling the world
Have you ever asked yourself, how will I possibly make money while traveling? Or how will I be able to live while working on the road?

Chances are that these very thoughts have indeed crossed your mind, they cross all of our minds at some point. There is also a chance that you have not found any answers. As a result, you have still yet to take that first step and start traveling and as time passes by, you start to wonder if you will ever achieve your travel goals.
Here on the blog, I am always making the claim that you can make money and travel much more easily than most people think. However, yesterday I realized that I should probably back up that claim with some actual examples. That is what I want to do here. I want to help you answer those questions above.
Are you ready? Here is a list of ways you can work while traveling. Keep in mind this is just a fraction of the opportunities that actually exist!

Online Freelance Work
Whether you have a background or interest in web design, programming, illustration, writing, marketing, consulting, legal work, engineering, or able to do any type of admin work, you should definitely look at websites such as Elance.com and Odesk.com. These are platforms that connect freelancers with people and companies who need work done. Even if your background is in something else, have a look anyway as there is freelance work to be found in dozens of different fields.

Selling Goods Online
Found some cool product that you think others would be interested in? Have your own handmade product you want to sell? You could set up a website or any other type of online sales outlet and start selling. Your success will depend on many factors but again if you are willing to learn how to get your goods in front of the right people online.

Sell Timeshare
If you were born to be a salesperson, then head to Mexico, the Caribbean, or any other major resort area and you can find a work-selling timeshare. These resorts want salespeople who can relate to their potential customers, so they prefer to have Americans selling to Americans, Italians selling to Italians and so on. The earning potential is huge in this line of work.

Work Remotely
There is no rule that states you must quit your current job in order to travel. Perhaps your position allows you to work remotely and all you need to do is speak with your boss in order to make the adjustment. Head down to a place like Playa del Carmen, Mexico and you will find foreigners everywhere who are doing just this, able to make money and travel wherever they wish.

Tour Operators in the Caribbean
When working onboard cruise ships dock in places such as St. Thomas or St. Maarten or Cozumel, many of the staff working for the local tour operators are from the USA, Canada and Europe. Their job is mainly to greet the passengers coming off the ship, keep the groups organized and lead them to their tour bus, van, or boat. Beautiful views while working are a plus.

I am an average photographer at best but for those who know what they are doing with a camera, it is possible to try to sell travel photos. You could set up your own ‘shop’ on sites such as SmugMug.com and you could try and sell your photos to a variety of travel magazines and to companies that have stock photography collections.

Teach Any Language
English is not the only language people want to learn. Speak French, Spanish, German and Arabic, or anything else? Look for jobs or set up your own classes by advertising at universities or popular hangouts such as cafes.
There are many more ways to earn money while traveling as well, so if you have anything you would like to add or share, please leave your thoughts in the comments below. The more opportunities we list, the more we can help each other!